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Wednesday 12 May 2010

Tales Of A WasteMan PART 4

So there he stayed, sitting on the bonnet of the stolen BMW smoking stolen weed. Thinking about his child and wondering if it had any of his features. His nose, his eyes...his feet.

He sighed and stood up, walked away from the car and sat down on the well-kept grass. He leaned back and gazed up at the few stars that he could see.

“I pray my child has more sense than I do” he said and closed his eyes puffing Pierson’s heavy green.

Lewis was adamant that Pierson had a hidden stash in his car, the point is that it’s hidden.

Marcus opened his eyes and sat up, he looked over his shoulder at the car and wondered where it could have been hidden. Marcus wasn’t a drug dealer and had no real desire to become one until Lewis gave him an offer, an offer he should have refused.

He opened the door and began feeling along the panel’s, under the dash board and the seats. He opened every compartment and ash tray, searched every nook and cranny. Once he was satisfied that it wasn’t hidden in an obvious place he put the key in the ignition and switched on the electrics. He then went about twisting every knob and pressing every button. In the end he found nothing, but at least the windows were clean.

“This is long” he said and banged his head on the headdress. He sighed then went about fiddling with the I-Drive knob, turning though all the menu’s. He stopped on the music player and selected the top playlist, entitled ‘DRUG MUSIC’. He opened it and selected Dray-Z ‘s album ‘The Black Tape’. He went straight to track 9, and played his favourite tune from the album, ‘Lucifer’s Gold’.

He nodded to the heavy beat over the classic sample with eyes closed. He grinned and sang along to the chorus

“For the drugs and the women we sold/ We crack ya nose/ Powder ya Hoes/ In dis world of Lucifer’s gold” he paused half way through his dodgy rapping and smiled.

A qwerty keyboard had appeared on the screen. Then he understood, the track selection brings up the menu. Only by chance was ‘Lucifer’s Gold’ his favourite track. It was a slated track as the rapper spoke about worshipping money and the devil. So it wasn’t a track you’d want blaring out of your car.

Now Marcus was grinning wildly, he wanted to see how long this little spurt of luck was going to last. He typed ‘Choc-Ice’ into the keyboard and hit enter.

The music suddenly stops and the screens fades to black, it the sinkes into the dashboard and shifts out of sight. A row of L.E.D lights turned on and illuminated the chasm. Below the tiny lights was two white bricks stacked up, on top of that was a roll of money. An single dribble of spit rolled down the corner of his mouth, he wiped it and took out the roll of money and one brick.

He touched the I-Drive button and the screen re-emerged from the dashboard and the tune continued where it left off. He got out of the car and ran towards the nearest tree. With his bare hands he dug a hole, once his palms felt raw and the hole was deep enough he stopped and removed his left sock, after stuffing the money in his sock he buried it along with the white brick.

He ran back to the car and switched on the windscreen wipers, then went about washing his hands with the tiny jets of water. He rolled another joint and sat in the passenger side with his feet on the dash playing some 80’s soul music through the system.

I’m good, he thought. Once I get that grand from Lewis I’ll be even better.

He smiled while making O’s with the smoke.

Suddenly the door opens and a large hand yanks him from the seat and drops him on the grass. He looks up at the masked figure.

“What ya doin, blood” said the masked figure. He had a strong London accent.

Marcus lay on his back looking up into the barrel of a sawn off shotgun. Another smaller man walks into his eyeline.

“I hope that's not my stash ya smoking, blood” said Lewis.

“Naw, man” said Marcus “This is my ting”

Lewis looked down at him for a moment, trying to read something from Marcus’s face “Ya betta not be lyin to me, blood. Or the smoker will become the smoked”

“Alright safe, man” said Marcus.

“Beez, check da car for me, blood”

“Cool, Fam” said the large figure and walked to the car.

“Get up” said Lewis “I don’t like to be deceived, blood. If I’m gonna bring you into my circle I need to be able to trus ya. A man that can’t be trusted is a man that can’t be walked wiv. Get me, blood”

Here we go, thought Marcus. The ghetto Shakespeare. He nodded.

“And if that man chooses to waste my time then I will waste that man’s life. For he is a waste space, air, and money” said Lewis “Is that you, are you that wasteman?”

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